How To Buy a Boat
If you're planning to buy a boat, but never done it before, there's a lot to consider. How much are boats on average? What's a reasonable price? What should you look for and watch out for? Are boats a good investment? How to buy one on a budget? Here we'll get you up to speed with the best information out there.
Pick the Right Boat
Best Sailboats for One Person (With 9 Examples)
One of the most common challenges of sailing is finding the right boat to sail alone. Luckily, there are some good sailboats out there suited for one person.
Buying Tips
10 Things I Wish I'd Known Before Buying a Boat
Boat ownership has brought me much joy over the last twenty-plus years, and it's something I've never regretted. We bought our first boat before we bought a
Things You'll Need
How Much Does It Cost To Get a Captain's License?
So you've decided to make your sailing official! This article will tell you all about how much getting a captain's license will cost you.
Cost of Buying a Boat
How Much Sailboats Cost On Average (380+ Prices Compared)
Turns out that owning a sailboat is pretty affordable. OK, it isn't cheap, but it can absolutely be done on a budget. In this article, I'll show you exactly what to …
Average Sailboat Maintenance Costs (with 4 Examples)
A lot of new boat owners overlook the maintenance costs of sailboats - and maintenance can get pricey quickly. To save you from surprises, here's a full overview of …
How Much Does it Cost to Dock a Boat for a Year?
Before buying your first boat you probably want to know how much it will cost you each year. So did I, so I checked hundreds of slips, and here are the numbers I …