Beginner's guide

Nautical charts come in many types, scales, and functions. Knowing how to use one, instead of merely relying on electronic charts, is sound insurance for all situations.

Chart types explained

Here we list all different types of nautical charts, from large to small scale (it's counter-intuitive), to pilot and harbor charts.

Reading and plotting

If you're looking for a clear step-by-step tutorial on how to read charts, plot courses, and interpret symbols and instructions, this article will be of great use to you.

Beginner's guide

Nautical charts come in many types, scales, and functions. Knowing how to use one, instead of merely relying on electronic charts, is sound insurance for all situations.

Chart types explained

Here we list all different types of nautical charts, from large to small scale (it's counter-intuitive), to pilot and harbor charts.

Reading and plotting

If you're looking for a clear step-by-step tutorial on how to read charts, plot courses, and interpret symbols and instructions, this article will be of great use to you.

All Nautical Charts Explained Articles

Ultimate Guide to Nautical Chart Navigation (Plotting, Reading)

By William Porter in Nautical Charts Explained

How To Plot a Course on a Chart (Illustrated Guide)

By William Porter in Nautical Charts Explained

Nautical Chart Types Explained (Illustrated Guide)

By William Porter in Nautical Charts Explained